We all enjoy eating the tasty chocolate candy in the springtime that is called easter egg. But when it comes from Google, the meaning is totally different. Yes, I mean to Google Easter Eggs. So, why is it so?

Simply when it comes out of the food category, Easter Egg is basically unexpected in games and movies. But here, in this case, this feature is of Google or any other of Google’s products.

We discovered these secret goodies just by accident or through word of mouth.

But do you know how to use or activate all these surprises or Easter Eggs Google? So, let’s check how many Google Easter Eggs you know about and how many you still do not have any idea about. Have fun activating those that are new to you.

Top 25+ List Of Google Easter Eggs | How To Access These Google Easter Eggs


So, here is the Google Easter Eggs list with 25+ names of Google Easter Eggs 2020.


In order To Trigger: For activating one of the very initial Google Easter Eggs, you just need to type [anagram] to [define anagram] into Google.

After Triggered: I know the question that is rendering in your head, what will happen after that. Well, Google will behave in its typical form and ask you, “Did you mean: nag a ram.”

2.Super Mario Bros

In order To Trigger: This is another of the many Google Easter Eggs. Just like other Easter Eggs, you just need to type [super Mario brothers] on google.

After Triggered: Now, let’s come to the result that you will be able to witness. This makes a glittering coin block appear in the knowledge panel. You can click on it to get your 200 coins, and along with that, you will also be rewarded with the delightful coin sound of Super Mario Bros.

You simply can click this up to infinite time.


In order To Trigger: For triggering this one of a kind of many Google Easter Eggs into Google, you need to type [askew].

After Triggered: The word askew meaning is not in a line or straight level. Maybe Google took it very seriously. That is why the search result will tilt a little with this triggering. Is it weird or funny?

4.Bletchley Park Secret Code

In order To Trigger: Now, come to this one, which sounds like a technical term invented by an American scientist, just like other Google Easter Eggs, type [bletchley park].

After Triggered: As a result, you will be able to get the result at the local panel, where you will nod to the codebreakers of World War II in the very name of this historical landmark.

5.The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything

In order To Trigger: Maybe I know what you are thinking about this. This is not the name of any bestseller novel which was next made into a film. Jokes apart, it is just one of the many Google Easter Eggs that I am talking about.

In order to trigger this, You need to type this entire phrase without the comma into Google.

After Triggered: Well, now come to the result that you will get by triggering this. Have you heard about the science fiction novelist Douglas Adams? In his book named “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” the supercomputer says that the 42 is the absolute answer to everything.

Some of the really smart people also have invested an awful lot of time in figuring out what Adams actually meant.

6.Breathing Exercise

In order To Trigger: Just like the last 5 Google Easter Eggs, here also you are required to type [breathing exercise] into Google.

After Triggered: At the top of the search engine result page, you will be able to see the light blue box, and there is written ‘Take a minute.’ You can literally check by taking a minute and clicking on the play button; Google will help you to do a breathing exercise with this virtual mechanical instructor.










Oh sorry! I went to “take a minute.” Well, I am now done with my breathing exercise, and now I will jump into the next Google Easter Egg.

7.War in Ba Sing Se

In order To Trigger: Let’s get some interesting knowledge about the famous historical war. Just kidding, here is another one from the list of many Google Easter Eggs. On the Google-type, [war in ba sing se].

After Triggered: The result will be one from Avatar. Our beloved Google will try to correct you, and at the top will shorten its typical result. Do you mean: there is no war in ba sing se.

8.Cha-cha Slide

In order To Trigger: Are you bored? Let’s have some fun then. Just like the other Google Easter Eggs, write [cha-cha slide] on Google.

After Triggering: Yes…yes… I am just going to tell you about the fun that I was talking about. Click on the icons and make sure to keep the sound on. Keep going; you can thank me later.

9. A Love Letter to Pluto

In order To Trigger: In order to trigger this one of the most interesting Google Easter Triggers, you need to type into Google just [pluto].

After Triggered: Technically, this may not be an easter egg because it is not gamified in any way. But it may seem a bit of fun to you or maybe an informational search result space. Just like me, if you are a GenX, you may remember the time when Pluto was downgraded from planetary status.

And suddenly, we have been forced to question everything that we have learned in our elementary school. As a result of this fun Easter Egg, Google pays a homepage in the knowledge panel to “our favorite” dwarf planet.

10.Conway’s Game of Life

In order To Trigger: Now come to the other one from the list of Google Easter Eggs. Just write [Conway’s Game of Life] obviously Into Google.

After Triggered: In order to find out the result, look at a search engine result page, and you will find an animation. This very animation is demonstrating the way population multiplies along with the process of how all life began.

Here is a bonus for you, in Google Docs, Conway’s Game of Life auto-populates. On your Windows system, you whether can use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E; for Mac users, the formula is ⌘+Option+Shift+C or ⌘+Option+Shift+E.

11.Dinosaur Game

In order To Trigger: This Easter Egg is only for Google Chrome. Unlike other Google Easter Eggs, you do not need to type anything here. You just need to launch your Google Chrome without an internet connection.

After Triggered: You will be able to see a dinosaur running across your system screen in search of an internet connection. On its path, there are a lot of bumps; you need to press the spacebar to make it jump over those bumps. Enjoy this game when there is no internet at your workplace.

12. Interactive Fiction Or Text Adventure

In order To Trigger: Now we are on the 12 number from the list of Google Easter Eggs. And in order to trigger this one, you can type [interactive fiction] or [text adventure] into Google.

After Triggered:  In order to move your player around and also archive objectives throughout any game, text commands are used by text adventure. In the Developers Console, this Easter Egg appears. And you can access this by following these steps.

  • In Google search by typing text adventure.
  • Choosing to inspect after right-clicking.
  • In the inspect window, navigate to Console.

After you reach there, you will be asked the question, “Would you like to play a game” and you will be given two options, “Yes/No.” Click on Yes in order to be off and running on your own text-based adventure.

13.Do a Barrel Roll

In order To Trigger: Now, for triggering these Easter Eggs just like other Google Easter Eggs, you need to type [do a barrel roll] on Google.

After Triggered: As a result, the entire search engine result page of Google will do a barrel roll just like an obedient follower of yours.

14.The Funniest Joke in the World

In order To Trigger: Well, this one is a bit different and interesting from the other Google Easter Eggs, here you need to open Google translator first. Then you need to type [Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!].

After Triggered: The killer jokes come from Monty Python. And whoever will hear this joke will definitely die of laughter.

In Google translate, when you search this, the result will bring back ‘FATAL ERROR’ in English.

I am DEAD.


In order To Trigger: The scenario of triggering is the same almost as the other Google Easter Eggs. Into Google, type [festivus].

After Triggered: Well, for the rest of us, it is just a holiday. George’s father, Frank, was obsessed with the alternative of Christmas. And it was a running gag on the television show named “Seinfeld.” This

Google Easter Egg will show you a Festivus Pole on the left of the search engine result page that is spanning from the top to the bottom of the page.

16.Fidget Spinner

In order To Trigger: Here, you need to do the same thing that you have been doing for almost all google Easter Eggs, simply type [fidget spinner].

After Triggered: The result will eliminate the lack of a fidget spinner in your life. At the top of the search engine result page, this trendy toy will appear. With the help of your mouse, you can spin it by clicking on it. You also can increase the speed of spinning by clicking more.

On the top right side of this spinner screen, you will be able to see the option to change this fidget spinner into a number spinner as well.


In order To Trigger: Here, you need to do the same thing that you have been doing for almost all google Easter Eggs, simply type [spinner].

After Triggered: The result will eliminate the lack of a spinner in your life. At the top of the search engine result page, this trendy toy will appear. With the help of your mouse, you can spin it by clicking on it. You also can increase the speed of spinning by clicking more.

On the top right side of this spinner screen, you will be able to see the option to change this spinner into a fidget spinner as well. Yes, this Easter Egg and the previous Easter Egg are connected. LOL!

18.Once in a Blue Moon

In order To Trigger: Though the rest of the Google Easter Eggs are not case sensitive at all, here is the exception. For this one, you need to type [once in a blue moon] into Google. And you need to make sure that you have typed all in lower cases.

After Triggered: By searching this, Google will show you the mathematical equation that will determine the occurrence of the blue moon. And this shows “once in a blue moon = 1.16699016 × 10-8 hertz.”

19.Green Hill Zone

In order To Trigger: Just like most of the Google Easter Eggs, here you also need to write [green hill zone] into google.

After Triggered: As a result, Sonic the Hedgehog Google will appear. So, you are getting a chance to go back to the ’90s. In 1991, on Sega Genesis, his game came out. And we all were introduced to the first level of the Green Hill Zone.

On the knowledge panel, the sonic will appear, and you will be able to click and make him roll. If you stop clicking, Sonic will roll his eyes and will also tap his foot on you. After you click him enough, he will level up to Super Sonic.

20.Flip a coin

In order To Trigger: Now we are on the 12th number from the list of Google Easter Eggs. Into Google, you need to type [flip a coin].

After Triggered: The interesting result will appear at the top of the search engine result page. You will have a coin-flipping game. You need to click there to flip the coin.

21.Fun Facts

In order To Trigger: Here, we are getting to know some fun facts, but the list of Google Easter Eggs also offers a surprise with this one. Type [fun facts] on Google.

After Triggered: The result will show a random fact on the top of the search engine result page. You can click on the option “Ask Another Question” and continue down the wormhole.

22. I’m Feeling Curious

In order To Trigger: I know after getting to know about so many Google Easter Eggs, you are feeling curious. But what does Google say about this? For the answer, you need to type [im feeling curious] into Google.

After Triggered: Just like the previous Easter Egg, Google will display random factoids you can go through in order to satisfy your curiosity and also boredom. Here also, you will get the same option and ask another question.

23.Google in 1998

In order To Trigger: Now, we are almost at the ending of the list of Google Easter Eggs. So, once again, into Google type, [Google in 1998].

After Triggered: And the result will take you back to 1998 google search. The result will appear how it used to be in 1998. You will also get the option “Take me back to the present” to restore the regular everyday Google.

24.Google Logo History

In order To Trigger: In order to trigger this particular Easter Egg, you have to type [Google logo history]. This is all you are required to perform here.

After Triggered: In this animated snippet, you will be able to go back in time through a series of 7 Google logos. And they are dating all the way down to 1998.


In order To Trigger: If you are thinking about how to trigger this particular Easter Egg, let me tell you, all you need is just type [kerning] into Google.

After Triggered: When you will look into the result on the Google result page, you will be able to understand that it is demonstrating as the letters have even space between them. This is typically the meaning of the word.


So, these are some of the Google Easter Eggs that you may know or may not. Some of these are really cool and great fun. In between your work, you can try any of these to eliminate the boredom of a really long day. So, which one are you going to try first?

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