For those who were eagerly waiting for the Core Algorithm Update – the time has come!
Google announced that they are rolling out the first broad core update of 2023.
On 15th March 2023, the search engine giant Tweeted – “Today we released the March 2023 core update. We’ll update our ranking release history page when the rollout is complete.”
Google has also confirmed that rolling out this update will take 2 weeks.
The complete information hasn’t arrived on the ranking history page. Once the official data comes in, we will inform you in a more detailed manner.
However, my aim behind writing this article is to give you some insights so you can understand the intent behind this update.
Let’s dive in!
Takeaways From March Broad Core Algorithm Update
Does this update have a serious impact on search engine rankings?
Before that, let’s understand what a core update is…
(i) Core Update
A core update is directly related to the search algorithm and the system. A core update aims to ensure the search engine shows the most relevant and quality content for a search query.
A core update has nothing to do with specific pages. It is all about how Google’s algorithm assesses the content and decides the SERP rankings.
(ii) What To Expect From March Broad Core Algorithm Update
As you see above, a core update has the potential to reshuffle the entire ranking for a given keyword.
This update is most likely to change how Google analyzes and ranks a website or a landing page.
However, the official specifications of this update have yet to arrive; we can anticipate some traits from the previous updates.
Here Are They:
- You will not experience the changes right away. The crawlers may need some time to index and restructure the search results.
- Data will speak for itself. You should monitor the site’s metrics regularly to gauge the consequences of this update.
- Simply put, Google prioritizes high-quality content. That means if you are sharing valuable first-hand knowledge – there is no need to worry.
- Don’t overlook the importance of On-page SEO. Your site’s speed, indexing, and mobile friendliness greatly influence user experience.
Let’s Wrap It Up!
The essence of these core updates is to provide an optimum user experience to the audience.
Delight your audience, not the search engine! Search engines will automatically find you.
If you strongly believe this, you’ll get the upper hand.
So, for the time being benign, focus on quality content, SEO-optimized website, and optimum user experience.
I’ll be back once the official specifications are announced. Till then, good luck!